Decaf by Default.

I wrote this last night but my blog simply refused to be pushed to the world wise interwebz:

Today is an off day from the bike and is weird feeling. I have been pretty tired all day, even though I slept like a kitten last night. I woke up feeling pretty good, made breakfast and ate while reading Velonews, and decided to go roll around in the bed because I didn't have to leave for work anytime soon.

Throughout the course of the day I didn't drink enough water. Not nearly enough. I feel all dried out, hot, and lethargic. Possibly I did drink enough water, because I have been making "Bear Soda" all day long. Part of it may be because I shaved my hair off yesterday to rid myself of the bleached spots in my hair. It was cool for the 5 or whatever days it lasted but I am just not cool enough to take a ton of funny looks every day. Anyways, my head always feels funny for a while with all of the sensations on my scalp. Maybe it's a combination of that and the fact I am a total softie. Who knows?

As I write this I am sitting at my soon-to-be-for-sale kitchen table and eating cereal. I feel like I could eat an entire box of cereal. I have been trying to eat a healthier diet that includes more fruits and vegetables in order to help counterbalance my increase in training. My idea is that if I eat terribly and ride a tiny bit and barely get dropped I'm stupid. If I begin eating much healthier foods (good) and begin to ride my bike really hard (bad for my body in some ways) then I should feel overall the same. In reality it isn't working that way. I am eating better some of the time but the toll of riding my bike consistently is pretty big. A friend once told me "If being fast was easy everyone would do it."

Boom. If it was easy everyone would do it. Now you know.

Fast Forward to this morning and I get up, clean up a little bit, and start my water to make coffee in the french press. I go sit in the shower until the hot water runs out. Water in the kettle is boiling so I get my coffee grinder out, reach for my coffee. . . . reach for my coffee?!!?!? There wasn't any. All the coffee was already consumed. There is coffee at the store. There is coffee at the coffee shop. But not in my kitchen.

Nothing that is easy is good and nothing that is good is easy.


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