File This Under Brain Bleach or Spank _ _ _ _ ?

If the thought of me half naked turns you off, don't follow this link to andrea's bathroom of haircuts. If it does, then clickity-clack shazam your night away.

A night of dogs, burgers, beer, and oddly enough tag-teaming one another with a pair clippers.

In bike related news I rode myself into the ground this morning in a brave attempt to catch the outdoors ride after leaving 15 minutes late due to un-cross-a-fying my cross bike for a road ride and then getting caught by a train. I did some long sustained efforts, talked to myself like I was a stupid slave child, and cut off two sections and actually did catch them. Luckily for me the rest of the ride we rode a "gentleman's pace" which still made my eyeballs want to melt after my one hour solo work I did to find the group. I tried not to pull any today, it worked out.

I did get my brownies at the store, too.


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