Lengthy Recap From the Week

The last 8 days have been a pretty wild and constant adventure. I'm going to break it down into manageable sections and just fill in the pictures at the bottom.

-Brickhouse and I decided that we needed to take matters into our own hands and build a pump track. She used her wits to gain access to some private land where we can dig our very own pump track. Things have been started over there and seem to be going in the right direction. We need some rain to make the soil less resistant to our shovel blades and more agreeable to packing in and holding its shape.

-Work has yet to slow down, it seems that things are running stronger than "the bus" these days. I have been working some funky hours around my school schedule (more on that in 5, back to you, work craziness) and generally just not stopping long enough to sit down. All of these things are good because I always am a firm believer of the idea of busy = job security. Hopefully Rod won't fire my ugly ass anytime soon. Rod wouldn't fire, but Jay would. Jay is evil. I'm kidding Jay is very nice and agreeable.

-My cluster fuck of a school schedule has me on campus from 11:00ish to 2:30ish most of the week. This has been a real fun time. I'll roughly quote my father here "Boy, you'd rather wipe a lion's ass with a handful of metal shavings in a telephone booth than" have a class schedule like that. He would give us that line with slight changes whenever we raised an idea he was opposed to because he had no serious reason to object but wanted to raise a little hell anyways. It usually worked. I mean think about it. This would be some serious shit. That may be part of the reason that I have such a vivid and graphic imagination.

-On a brighter note I was able to squeeze in some pre class riding on Monday and Wednesday. Monday's ride was pretty much a fail however as I grazed a tiny bit of skin off my finger on the Wolf River bridge of the CSX Greenway. I was snaking between a truck and the guard rail on my way towards Shelby Farms and hit my pinky on the guard rail. It bled, no biggie. By the time I was heading home it had tried to scab up, effectively blood gluing my finger to my grip. I was doing a pretty maxed out effort and when I hopped out of the saddle to really make my legs feel the pain train that was rolling down the rail bed my finger pops open again. This time my heart rate is around 179 and I can feel the blood dripping off my finger tip in the wind. White and Red make Pinky!!!1!! Image below.

Wednesday's ride was much better. I rode with the local Orbea rep who "hadn't been on a mountain bike in a few years" - direct quote and was wanting to try out his new bike. It was an easy hour of me playing tour guide at the WRT and trying to be polite. Since Travis is a Cat 2 who podiumed at the Memphis race I told him I would play nice in the dirt if he wouldn't break me on the road. He agreed, yet I'm not 100% sure he won't have me cutting deals with the devil as I watch his custom Sugoi kit disappear up the road.

-Pinky of Doom returned on Thursday to make itself known. All week I thought I had been doing a swell job of keeping it clean and wrapped up. I was at work changing a flat tire and all-in-the-sudden I bumped my pinky on a spoke when using the tire lever to pull the tire away from the rim. I thought I may shit myself it hurt so much. I was truly flabbergasted that such a small appendage could house so much pain. I get home and unwrap only to find something similar to this finger. Ok it wasn't that bad but some of the colors matched and I was afraid it would look like that so I made a deal with my girlfriend to get it looked at in the morning at the campus clinic.

-Campus Clinic from the Heavens. No appointment boom bam thank you ma'am. I wasn't in that quaint building on campus 30 minutes and received a tetanus booster shot, finger evaluation, finger cleaning, bandaging, general scolding for not keeping my shots up to date, and a prescription for an antibiotic to help ensure I keep an even number of digits. All I had to pay was 5 dollars for my antibiotic. It was seriously some fast service.

-Friday after work I went to No Regrets Tattoo Emporium to watch my girlfriend endure hours 3 and 4 of her 4 hour tattoo adventure. I was bored out of my mind some of the time, some times appalled at the amount of metal people hang in their pieces parts downstairs (I was looking through their book of work) and just having a grand time chatting with the shop employees. Kris's friend Alana was their hanging out and we were shooting the shit and generally being a nuisance. I decided that I wanted some big bling in my life and had Mark stretch my ears up to a 4g (nearly 5mm wrench compatible ear lobe) and put in some nice shiny plastic diamonds. I played bitch. It hurt, real bad. I am going to follow Mark's (the bringer of the pain/metal insertio guru) advice and wait until after Thanksgiving before I step it up to 2s, but it is coming eventually. Kris's tattoo was finally finished and it looks really cool (and sexy) so needless to say I can't wait til that is all healed and ready to be shown off. After that we went to our favorite spot R.P. Tracks and had a bite to eat.

-Rabble Frabble I'm sure some other stuff happened that I forgot about but it happens.

-I was going to do the 7am Outdoors ride but the temperature to body fat ratio was all out of wack, so I decided to wait until the 9am group. How cold does it have to get before armwarmers are acceptable. Hmm, to be comfy or to be Fred, that is the question. I ended up falling alseep and not waking up in time to make the 9am start so I did some stuff around the house, played lazy, and rode a pretty steady effort on my mountain bike on the unfinished Rails to Fails. More on that ride tomorrow.


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