2010 ended with a ruh roh.

So it's simple. What the beginning of the year looked like, what the end looked like.

Had a girlfriend living with me, single.
Had a job that I was kicking ass at, unemployed.
Was weak and looking to race, still weaking and looking to race.
Was a college student, graduated.

So about the unemployed part.
I ended up having a few days of paid leave from my employer. At that time I did everything I could to not go absolutely crazy. I tried to make myself busy. I even spent a few days in Syllamo, as I had already planned to ring in the new year all anaerobic and stuff. Fun times.

I am now employed at Outdoors Inc, if anyone is missing me, looking for me, wishing to deliver alcoholic beverages for my consumption you can find me there. I am currently working at both the Union and G'town Road locations. Not at the same time. I'm not that awesome.

I get to wear a shirt to work everyday with a beaver printed on it.
I said beaver.

More to come later. I am going to get some stuff done. I have been busy, still am busy, and still have no interwebz in mi casa.


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