I draw the line at solids

So over the last few weeks I have really picked up the amount of time I have spent on the bike. I have always had a hard time trying to figure out how to ride, how often to ride, and what to expect from that riding. I recently worked out an agreement with a friend to get some advice on using my time on the bike to be more beneficial to my goal of becoming a better cyclist.

Rewinding to early Christmas time I happened to find PowerTap hubs were all on closeout due to the eventual launch of their new G3 line of hubs. The price may not have been just right, but I knew that I would never get the same deal on a reputable power measuring device again so I jumped at the chance. Up until about two weeks ago I had been using it half-heartedly and not really embracing the possibilities of training with power. I had done little research on my own and hadn't really tried to train myself. One person posted an ad on Facebook claiming to offer free training but it was all a game of smoke and mirrors. It was free training IF you buy a monthly subscription to this life-coaching service that is written by Helen Keller. It may not have been a life-coaching service written by Helen Keller but it was something that one would find as equally absurd.

I had spoken with a friend one a few occasions about getting some help with my sprinting. I had it in my head that I hadn't won the Hell of the South road race because I was outsprinted by a half-of-a-wheel. My friend finally explained to me that it would be much more beneficial to me if I were to work on raising my threshold. As my threshold increases I will be able to react and cover during races and be more consistently within my ability. Then because I have only been over my threshold 12 times instead of 16 I will be mo' fresher come time to sprint it out. When one sprints mo' fresher one is more likely to win said sprint. Truth. My friend offered to help me with this by adapting his workouts to meet my power ranges and time budget. Also he said he gets really tired of counting all  the $100 bills at work and needs something to do to break up his day of being a big time banker. So I created an account with Training Peaks and gave him access to my account.

The short term outcome has been: I have ridden more than I ever have before and it isn't easy. Over these last few weeks I have had to constantly reminded myself  "If being fast were easy, everyone would do it." and tried to focus on how this will help me meet my long term goals. In case you can't deduce from my previous rambling: my future goal is to be fast as shit.

According to this guy it isn't going to get easier the more I do this either. I will just go faster. And since going fast is my goal I will have to embrace this and get better at managing my time around my training.


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